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DoubleJump Academy at FMX 2024!

July 16, 2024
Interviewed by:
Eva Maganja

A big thank you to SideFx and the people at FMX for having us.

We had an absolute blast. We had our booth in the Campus area, and our Founders, Urban Bradesko and Corbin Mayne, gave a talk at the Houdini Hive.

A big thank you to SideFx and the people at FMX for having us.

We had an absolute blast. We had our booth in the Campus area, and our Founders, Urban Bradesko and Corbin Mayne, gave a talk at the Houdini Hive.

Of course, we started planning for the booth one week before, and of course, Eva - who is also a community manager, website developer, graphic designer, social media manager, customer support…etc., had another task of making merchandise so that we could do a giveaway at FMX. She came up with the style of a Newspaper instead of typical pamphlets. We must say that newspapers have been a HUGE hit! People loved it!

We will publish a digital version of our newspaper soon.

We also ordered a total of 100 DJA hats, which were supposed to arrive before we traveled to FMX. Unfortunately, they arrived 1 day after we left. We were let down as that was the main free giveaway that we wanted to do.

Fortunately, we also printed stickers and badges, which arrived just in time. Phew.

The booth was super fun, and thank you all for coming to our booth and saying hi. We are sorry that we didn't have as much merchandise as we planned. Next time we will prepare better for sure.

Urban and Corbin gave a talk on Wednesday at the Houdini Hive. You can see the whole talk on our Youtube. We also had a world premiere of our newest workshop called: Unlocking the Magic of Houdini with Jordan Allen! It has become the most anticipated beginner-friendly Houdini workshop.Thank you all for coming, and thank you for the great questions at the end!

See you next year!

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I have worked with Urban in the Past on a workshop and with Corbin as FX supervisor during my time at ILP. They are both extremely creative, passionate and always put helping the people around them up to the for front. I couldn't imagine a better team of people to put together a school like DoubleJump. Always people and education first.


Head of CG & Simulation MPC Adelaide

"DoubleJump Academy has an amazing amount of free workshops and high-end videos which we recommend for any Visual FX artists. And if you are a beginner, this needs to be the first resource to break into the CGI industry!"

Eddie Chew

Owner & Creative Director
Griffin Animation Studios

"William goes in depth into his workflow and approach he takes to creating large scale environments, u get to understand his thinking behind the why he does things not just the how. There is some comp tricks taught along the way in nuke as well that have been helpful to apply to my own projects to elevate them just that bit more even if environments Isn't my main focus. Of course as well the huge community of DoubleJump is a bonus always ready to help when u need it with a bunch of friendly folks."

Sam Savage

Fx Artist/TD - Enrolled in: Epic Environments for Movies


This was done under - Unreal Engine Complete Automotive Masterclass

"Learning VFX can be a daunting task, especially when you’re not sure what sources and practices you can rely on and follow. Urban is a master of his craft and delivers high-end, quality content that you can trust to keep you on track in your professional development. I have greatly benefitted and grown as an artist from his invaluable industry knowledge, that often times can’t be found anywhere else. If you want to learn how to produce industry quality effects at the highest level you won’t want to miss anything from of Urban Bradesko."

Jesse Henning

Senior VFX Artist at Atomic Arcade

"Having worked with Urban for many years. I can strongly recommend engaging with DoubleJump. This team covers a wide range of skill-sets combined with their wide array of contacts in the Visual Effects Industry. They are striving to create a hub for beginners to experts alike. Equally strengthening various Studios toolsets and team members. In DoubleJump I entrust!"

Hudson Martins

CG Supervisor at Axis Studios

Luca Goury

This was done under - Unreal Engine Complete Automotive Masterclass