Intro and Setup
What we will cover:
It’s time to build from the ground up! This week will be dedicated to installation of Houdini, along with some helpful (and free) 3rd party tools, and of course, getting familiar with the UI of Houdini!
There is so much to explore here so let's take our time getting comfortable in our new home.
Scripting Language and Concepts
What we will cover:
This week is dedicated to wrestling with important terms and concepts inside of Houdini.
If you have no experience in coding, like me when I started, these videos will help you make sense of a lot of the things we will be doing down the line and serve as a resource you can always pop back to later on to refresh your memory!
Modeling- Building a Shed
What we will cover:
It’s time to get our hands dirty!
This week we will be focusing on some basic modeling, exploring both the manual, and procedural approaches to building a shed from the ground up!
Modeling- Building, Animating, and Creating UV's for Our Little Ghost
What we will cover:
It’s time to continue our modeling journey by building our first character, looking at the various ways we can achieve an organic final result, and ironically bringing our ghost to life in the process.
We will also be looking at UV’s, what they are, why they matter, and how we can make them for our geometry!
Modeling- Intro to Solaris
What we will cover:
A final scene and animation is nothing if you can’t render it, so we will be exploring Solaris and the Karma renderer!
This section is all things lighting, materials, cameras and action.
Particles- Creating Snow
What we will cover:
Our first foray into the world of simulation!
We will unpack what simulation is, how it works and begin by exploring the most basic of the simulation branches in Houdini, particles, by creating a snow simulation for our scene.
Particles- Creating Rain
What we will cover:
Using the information we have already digested we will re-approach our scene, this time creating a rain effect with proper dynamics and splashing!
This is a shorter week and as such is a great opportunity to catch up if you need it!
Baby Thanos Snap
What we will cover:
In our last week of this section we remove a man from the face of the earth with the baby thanos snap!
It will introduce us to a whole host of new and exciting concepts, including Houdini’s new “Copernicus” texture creation tools, and will serve as an excellent final exam for the concepts we have learned to this point!
Rigid Body- Exploring Rigid Body Destruction
What we will cover:
We will work to uncover how, and why, rigid body destruction works the way it does; mastering core concepts like fracturing and constraint building that will enable us to unleash our full destructive potential!
Rigid Body- Cannon Wall
What we will cover:
What fun is building a wall if we don't get to immediately get to knock it back down?
In this section we will be destroying a brick wall with cannon fire, creating diverse and explosive collisions to bring that puppy down.
Rigid Body- Batman Statue Collapse
What we will cover:
In this section we dive deeper into controlling the look of our rigid body simulations, by reducing a statue of Batman to rubble.
We will learn how to customize the weight and feel of the materials we are destroying, create dynamic collisions, and explore the idea of "wedging" to generate multiple variations of our sim while we sleep!
This will be the final proving ground, combining everything we have learned about destruction to this point.
Pyro- Exploring Pyro Simulation
What we will cover:
Pyro simulation (smoke/fire) is different to anything we have covered thus far, and in order to unlock this new super power we will need to unpack exactly how/why it works.
Pyro- Smokey Dancer
What we will cover:
Using our new-found understanding of pyro, we will build our first official project by creating a dynamic smoke-emitting dancer.
This is where pyro starts to get fun!
Pyro- Batman Statue Debris
What we will cover:
Revisiting our Batman statue collapse, we will add a crucial element to any RBD sim... the smokey debris!
We will explore how to add dust to the cracks and crevices of your RBD sim, as well as creating a secondary particle debris simulation from the smoke.
Here we will see our first glimpse of the power of combining multiple simulation types in one project, and it's a beautiful thing to behold!
Pyro - Flames
What we will cover:
What point is there in looking at pyro if all we do is talk about smoke??
That's why in this section we create FIRE.
Exploring concepts of how fire spreads and grows, all the way through our creation of that PIPING HOT final render.
FLIP- Paint Tube
What we will cover:
In this section, we will unpack what "FLIP" fluid simulation is actually doing under the hood by building an explosive pipe of sloshy pink paint!
Exploring concepts of liquid emission, meshing, collisions, and rendering to get a final, vibrant and sloppy result that is sure to satisfy the masses.
SECTION 17 (coming soon)
FLIP- Donuts
What we will cover:
In this section we will be diving into the creation and control of viscous fluids, by creating a seamlessly looping donut glazing machine!
Who could ask for more?
SECTION 18 (coming soon)
FLIP- Pool Dive
What we will cover:
This is where we branch off into our final corner of FLIP, the FLIP tank! FlIP tanks give us the ability to create larger bodies of water, complete with secondary simulations of foam, bubbles, and spray; and we are going to quite literally dive into it all!
Warning, you may get wet.
SECTION 19 (coming soon)
Vellum- Creating a Cape
What we will cover:
Entering the world of Vellum, we will start with a simple project exploring how vellum thinks/works.
By using vellum constraints we can create and attach a cloth cape that dynamically moves with whatever character it is attached to!
SECTION 20 (coming soon)
Vellum- Belly Fat
What we will cover:
Continuing in our exploration of vellum, we will do our best reverse-imitation of Ozempic, by adding fat to our character.
During the operation we will unpack how "softbody" simulation works in Houdini, enjoying all the lovely jiggle physics that come along with it.
SECTION 21 (coming soon)
Vellum- Human Balloon
What we will cover:
It's time to inflate our understanding of Vellum even more by exploring pressure/inflation simulation!
In this section we will explore dynamic expansion and contraction of cloth by creating an ascending balloon on a string. Warning: this is not your average balloon.
SECTION 22 (coming soon)
Vellum- Sand Castle Collapse
What we will cover:
It's time to knock down a sand castle! In this section we will explore the flexibility Vellum gives us to control the behavior and evolution of sand.
From clumping, to wetness, to dynamic collisions and so much more!Warning, you may get wet.
SECTION 23 (coming soon)
Vellum- Rocker Hair
What we will cover:
It's time to knock down a sand castle! In this Lets make some hair!
In this section we will plant, style, cut, and simulate a full head of luscious locks using all the tricks of the trade to make rendering over 1,000,000 floppy little hairs possible!
SECTION 24 (coming soon)
KINE FX- Rigging A Zombie
What we will cover:
Zombies may be the dead, but they still need bones to move. So in this section we will grant that wish and create a fully rigged, animatable character setup- looking at creating bone structure, weight painting, animation, and the blending/looping of multiple animations!
And yes, we are definitely ragdolling him at the end.
SECTION 25 (coming soon)
Crowds- Building an Agent
What we will cover:
It's time to build a zombie army!
But considering every army is comprised of individuals, we will start by creating ONE optimized and flexible zombie "agent" who will bend the knee to our every command!
SECTION 26 (coming soon)
Crowds- Making an Army of Agents
What we will cover:
Now to add the power of numbers!
Once we have a zombie created, we will dive into building out the full horde, exploring concepts like guiding agents motion, terrain projection, and transitions between animations!
SECTION 27 (coming soon)
Crowds- Ragdolling Your Army
What we will cover:
Every zombie horde needs a kill switch in case things get out of hand, which is why we will be adding ragdolling to our army.
We've set them all up, so this is the part where we get to knock them all back down!